Wednesday 20 July 2016

Cheap bodybuilding foods (Bodybuilding on a budget)

So today we are going to cover a bodybuilding diet on a budget. I don't think anyone is going to argue with me that bodybuilding nutrition  is the most expensive part of following a bodybuilding programme. So what are we going to cover today are strategies of how you can be a smart shopper make better food choices and follow a bodybuilding nutrition plan without breaking the bank account.
Here is a list of a few foods that will fit in your budget :

1) Chicken;When you are buying chicken frozen is going tpo workout cheaper than fresh. The downside of buying frozen chicken is that it has preservatives added. Buying fresh is always better but if you are on a budget frozen chicken breast can be an option to go with.
2)Peanut butter: Peanut butter is nutritious, filling and a great healthy eating option. Peanut butter is a very good source of protein as tbsp contains 8g of protein.
3)Eggs:Eggs are the most cheapest and best source of protein 
4)Black beans: Black beans are lean plant-based protein, perfect for vegetarians, vegans and meat eaters alike. One serving (1/2 cup)has about 6g of protein. 
5)Whole milk;Whole milk has essential nutrients like calcium, vitamin D and potassium. Milk has the right amount of bone-building nutrients and is also a good protein source.

1)Rice; Rice is the most widely consumed staple food in the world and is one of the best source of carbohydrates.
2)Oats:Oats have a well balanced nutritional composition, and one serving of oats(30g)of oats contains 117 calories.
3)Whole Wheat Pasta: These are a very good source of carbohydrates. These are high in fiber and nutrients.
4)Potatoes:Potatoes is also a very staple food and one medium sized potato has just about 110 calories.

1)Olive oil:Olive oil is a fat obtained from the olive, a traditional tree crop. It is one of the widely used oils and is a good source of fat.
2)Butter:This is a solid dairy product made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk. Butter is one of the complex of all dietary fats.(100 grams of butter has almost 717 calories). 
3)Almonds:Almonds are a very good source of vitamin E, manganese, biotin and copper. They are also rich in energy and healthy mono-unsaturated fats. (100 grams of almonds have almost 576 calories).
That's all for today I expect you to make all kinds of gains. 

                                                                                              Regards:Team Fitness Over Everything

Tuesday 19 July 2016

How much muscle can you and how fast can you gain it?
These are the most common questions newcomers to bodybuilding have. The problem is the media and advertisers have given a completely distorted reality of what is possible through natural bodybuilding. The tabloids tell ridiculous stories of movie stars gaining almost fifty pounds of muscle in few months before shoot.
Then everyone starts believing them and they are on the covers of magazines. Then there all these programmes advertised that are supposed to give you incredible amounts of muscle gain in six months and people start believing them. Gaining muscle is a very slow process and anyone who tells you otherwise just wants your money.
So how much muscle can you expect too gain through natural bodybuilding. It depends upon a lot of factors like age , how long you have been working out, how long you workout, nutrition, genetics etc.
So to makes things easier I have calculator for you named Maximum Natural Muscle Gain Calculator. How much muscle can you gain in a year. Find out using this free calculator.                  

                                                                                                    Regards Team: fitnessovereverything